In light of the Coronavirus pandemic, should schools in the U.S. have opened back up so soon?

In light of the Coronavirus pandemic, should schools in the U.S. have opened back up so soon?

Since schools have now opened up again in the United States, it seems as though everyone has forgotten about the Coronavirus pandemic. While the Coronavirus no longer poses a serious threat, it’s important to consider what could have been done differently and how this could impact the spread of similar epidemics in the future.

Is it fair that schools are open despite students being at risk of infection from the Coronavirus?

As a result of what has been deemed one of the worst health scares in modern history, and subsequent Pandemic, most schools across America are seeing their doors open as per normal. However it seems that as many parents prepare to send their children off into a potentially hazardous situation (given there is no known vaccine for infection with Coronavirus) is it fair that they are having to do so? While health officials continue to downplay any danger posed by infection from coronavirus and suggest keeping away from anyone who appears sick or displaying flu-like symptoms still leaves much room for risk given its rather basic requirements for transmission. Surely something more comprehensive needs to be done before any school based learning can resume?

What’s different about this type of virus compared to previous viruses such as Swine Flu (H1N1)?

The virus spreads quickly and can cause serious respiratory issues. Because it’s airborne, individuals can spread it even if they don’t have any symptoms. Controlling how many people are exposed to an infected person is nearly impossible when students and staff enter a school facility where multiple people meet on a daily basis and sneezing and coughing might be misinterpreted as just part of life inside a school building. This is unlike previous viruses that spread through close contact with infected persons or from contaminated items such as food or water; healthy individuals could avoid coming into contact with others by avoiding public areas like malls or grocery stores during an outbreak—so avoidance was relatively easy for healthy people to do during previous epidemics like Swine Flu (H1N1).

Are children more susceptible to Covid_19 infection?

As a whole, children are typically more susceptible to contracting Covid_19; kids’ immune systems tend to be weaker than those of adults and can be affected by factors like fatigue and stress, which are brought on by school environments. Should school districts across America continue to try and get students back into their classrooms or keep them at home until they’re medically cleared? Should we stay vigilant or change our strategy regarding how we deal with Covid_19? Who knows what will happen next–but one thing is for sure: This situation has gotten a lot more serious over night. People are dying–and not just infants–so we need to start thinking differently about how we approach defense against Covid_19’s spread.

How can you keep your child safe this school year?

What many parents don’t realize is that there are a number of simple things they can do to keep their kids safe from communicable diseases: Don’t send your kid to school sick, make sure he or she gets plenty of sleep and exercise during flu season and follow these tips when your child has a cough: 1. Monitor his or her temperature as much as possible, but avoid over-the-counter thermometers with mercury; 2. Encourage kids to wash their hands regularly; 3. Teach them how to cough without spreading germs through droplets that could fly far from their mouth and nose; 4. Stay home when you feel ill (if you feel like you might spread an illness).

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Tenesha Davis
3 years ago

I think that we are undergoing an uncontrollable situation dealing with Covid-19. It’s very dangerous as the article states people are dying! Our job as parents is to protect our children! There was no long drawn out outline to assure the safety of children going back to school except for wearing mask. With that being said we honestly should go back on a “lockdown” with certain restrictions. If children have to do online learning until we can get things under control then that’s what should be done! There are many children with underlying conditions that could negatively impact them if they catch Covid-19. Mask and practicing proper hygiene is great, but children and teenagers are definitely “a walking germ”, lol. Pencils, books, playgrounds, we can’t keep all of those things properly wiped down and sanitized daily. We don’t have personal cleaning robots who can go behind every child’s single move and clean after them, or us as adults! The reality is, they sent children back after announcing a more deadly variant of COVID-19. That should’ve been enough to scare parents into taking matters into their own hands and demanding proper stay at home education. Computers and WiFi should be offered by the schools for each child until they can get things under control to safely send kids back to school! Sports, clubs, groups, meetings should all come to a halt! No we don’t want to cancel out these very important events, but if we can do it temporarily to make a great impact then we should! That’s a better option than forcing and shoving unapproved needles into children without knowing if they will even have a future! Safety first always! We are living in scary times and as adults we have to protect our children from this world, what comes with it, and protect their peace! We can’t show them how scared we are of letting them live their lives! We have to be strong for our children always and put them first! There are so many options that can be run down as to how to protect our children while also allowing them to get the proper education that they deserve as well as exercise and having a social life! Just sending them back to school in a major pandemic is not going to solve the problem, but more so make it worse. Too many lives, aside from only the children, are being put at risk.