Protecting Your Digital Media- FCFVA Talks about the Importance of Stamping Your Name in 2021

I don’t know about you, but I used to think that protecting my digital media was a no-brainer. After all, my files were backed up and password protected, which meant that the only people who could access them were me and those who had my permission to do so. But when I discovered how much sensitive information was being stored in the Cloud, I realized that I was missing the bigger picture of what it means to protect your data in today’s world.

Why should you have your own website?

There are many reasons for you to have your own website. First, having your own website will give you a presence on the web. This shows potential clients that you’re serious about your business and can also help build credibility for when clients want to do research on a vendor or service provider. Having a site also allows you to publish helpful content that builds trust with potential customers. If they find out that you’ve been publishing articles on subjects related to their business challenges for years, it goes without saying that they’ll be more likely to work with you! As an added bonus, if people share what you write, reach out to them, and build relationships with them, they may refer others who need your services.

Why should you have a social media presence?

If you’re not on social media, you might think people don’t care, but that couldn’t be further from the truth. People are online more than ever and want to know what’s happening in your industry. If they can find out what you’re up to through a social media account—and there are all sorts of ways they can do so—they will. For many businesses, not having a social media presence is like missing out on a crucial method for marketing and spreading awareness. It may seem like an extra task or unnecessary cost, but your business needs to use social media if it hopes to stay afloat today and far into tomorrow.

Having it all, not so fast!

If you’re wondering, How do I protect my digital media?, it helps to remember a few things. First and foremost, it’s helpful to keep your information public; there are plenty of wonderful benefits associated with publishing your work for all to see. But if you really want to get serious about protecting your intellectual property, here are some tips that should help: When sharing drafts with editors or other collaborators, don’t share them through Google Docs or Dropbox; instead, send each person an individual copy through email.

Where do I put my information so no one steals my content?

If you don’t want someone to steal your content, don’t put it on a website where that can happen. There are lots of places for you to put your information on online that will be able to help protect you from people stealing your content. The first thing you need to do is use a watermark on all your photos and videos when they get published online. It doesn’t matter if its social media or whatever other platform, there needs to be some sort of identification mark so if anyone does try to steal them you have proof that it was yours first.

Where can I learn more about protecting my online information?

If you’re looking for more information about digital security and protection, Lynchburg Virginia Federal Credit Union has a great resource on their website. Also check out your local Pittsburgh Chapter of The Florida Credit Union League to see what programs are available to protect your identity and privacy. Last but not least, for more information and to learn what resources are available in your community, check out Virginia Beach Chapter’s webpage.