Top 5 Low-Allergen Dog Breeds Perfect for Families with Children with Allergies

grey and white miniature schnauzer running on green grass field


Having a child with allergies doesn’t mean you have to give up on the idea of having a furry friend at home. With the right dog breed, you can enjoy the companionship of a loving pet without aggravating your child’s allergies. When it comes to choosing a dog breed, you need to consider factors like allergens, size, temperament, and energy level. In this article, we will recommend five dog breeds that are apartment-friendly, low-allergen, and easy to maintain, making them perfect for families with children with allergies.

1. Miniature Schnauzer

The Miniature Schnauzer is a popular breed for families with children with allergies. They have a hypoallergenic coat that produces fewer allergens than other breeds, making them a great choice for allergy sufferers. They are also low-maintenance dogs, and their size makes them perfect for apartment living.

miniature schanuzer


– Low-shedding coat, which can be ideal for people with allergies

– Affectionate and loyal, making great companions and family pets

– Intelligent and easy to train, making them a good fit for first-time dog owners

– Good watchdogs, will alert you to any strangers or unusual activity

– Moderate exercise needs, can be satisfied with walks and playtime indoors



– Can be prone to separation anxiety and may become destructive if left alone for long periods

– Can be stubborn at times and may require consistent training and socialization

– May have a strong prey drive and chase after small animals if not trained properly

– Can be prone to some health issues, such as skin problems, eye problems, and bladder stones

– Can be vocal and may bark excessively if not properly trained and socialized

2. Bichon Frise

The Bichon Frise is another low-allergen breed that is suitable for families with children with allergies. These small dogs have a curly coat that sheds minimally, reducing the amount of dander and allergens in the air. They are also known for their friendly and playful temperament, making them great companions for children.

fluffy white dog


– Hypoallergenic coat, which can be ideal for people with allergies

– Friendly and outgoing, making great companions and family pets

– Intelligent and easy to train, making them a good fit for first-time dog owners

– Low-shedding coat, which can be easy to maintain with regular grooming

– Good for apartment living, as they do not require a lot of space



– Can be prone to separation anxiety and may become destructive if left alone for long periods

– Can be difficult to house-train, may require patience and consistency

– May have a high-pitched bark and may bark excessively if not properly trained and socialized

– Can be prone to some health issues, such as allergies, dental problems, and ear infections

– May require regular grooming to maintain their coat, which can be time-consuming and costly

3. Maltese

The Maltese is a small breed that is also suitable for apartment living. They have a silky white coat that is hypoallergenic and easy to maintain. They are gentle, affectionate dogs that are great with children, making them a popular choice for families.

white and black eared dog


– Hypoallergenic coat, which can be ideal for people with allergies

– Affectionate and loyal, making great companions and family pets

– Intelligent and easy to train, making them a good fit for first-time dog owners

– Small size, making them a good fit for apartment living

– Low exercise needs, can be satisfied with indoor playtime and short walks



– Can be prone to separation anxiety and may become destructive if left alone for long periods

– Can be difficult to house-train, may require patience and consistency

– Can be prone to some health issues, such as dental problems and eye problems

– May require regular grooming to maintain their coat, which can be time-consuming and costly

– Can be picky eaters and may require a special diet

4. Yorkshire Terrier

The Yorkshire Terrier is another small breed that is low-allergen and apartment-friendly. They have a hypoallergenic coat that produces less dander than other breeds, making them ideal for families with children with allergies. They are also intelligent and easy to train, making them great companions for children.

running dog


– Hypoallergenic coat, which can be ideal for people with allergies

– Affectionate and loyal, making great companions and family pets

– Intelligent and easy to train, making them a good fit for first-time dog owners

– Small size, making them a good fit for apartment living

– Low exercise needs, can be satisfied with indoor playtime and short walks



– Can be prone to separation anxiety and may become destructive if left alone for long periods

– Can be stubborn at times and may require consistent training and socialization

– Can be prone to some health issues, such as dental problems, eye problems, and collapsed trachea

– May require regular grooming to maintain their coat, which can be time-consuming and costly

– Can be picky eaters and may require a special diet

5. Portuguese Water Dog

The Portuguese Water Dog is a medium-sized breed that is great for families with children with allergies. They have a curly, non-shedding coat that produces less dander than other breeds. They are also known for their friendly and loyal nature, making them great companions for children.

black and white dog


– Hypoallergenic coat, which can be ideal for people with allergies

– Active and energetic, making them great companions for outdoor activities

– Intelligent and trainable, which can make them suitable for various jobs, such as therapy or service dogs

– Loyal and protective, making them excellent watchdogs

– Social and friendly with both people and other pets



– Requires daily exercise and mental stimulation, which can be challenging for some owners

– Can be prone to certain health issues, such as hip dysplasia and eye problems, which can result in costly veterinary bills

– Grooming needs can be high maintenance, with regular brushing and trimming necessary to keep their curly coat in good condition

– Can have a strong prey drive, which may lead to chasing smaller animals or wildlife

– May not do well with being left alone for extended periods, as they thrive on social interaction and attention.


Having a child with allergies doesn’t mean you can’t have a furry friend at home. There are several low-allergen dog breeds that are perfect for families with children with allergies.

The Miniature Schnauzer, Bichon Frise, Maltese, Yorkshire Terrier, and Portuguese Water Dog are all great choices for apartment living, low maintenance, and easy to train. With the right dog breed, you can add a loving companion to your family without causing any allergic reactions.